Brown Arts

The Committee

Public Art Working Group

Kate Kraczon, Chair
Chief Curator and Director of Exhibitions, The Bell / Brown Arts Institute

Renée Ater 
Visiting Associate Professor, Africana Studies, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Craig Barton
Professor of the Practice in History of Art and Architecture, University Architect

Tiffini Bowers 
Assistant Director of Special Collections for Art and Exhibitions, John Hay Library

Lucas Buckwell '27 
Undergraduate Representative

Anthony Casello 
Senior Director of Design & Construction, Facilities

Chira DelSesto
Senior Director of Administration and Operations

Lichen Grewer
Director of Planning

Michael Guglielmo
Vice President for Facilities Management

Ito Osayimwese 
Chair, History of Art and Architecture

Ed Osborn
Chair, Visual Art

Thea Quiray Tagle
Associate Curator, The Bell / Brown Arts Institute (Providence Art in City Life Commission)

Tim Rehm
PhD Candidate, Department of Physics, Graduate Representative

Lia Robinson 
PhD Candidate, History of Art and Architecture, Graduate Representative

Noel Rosania '27
Undergraduate Representative

Gina Rodríguez-Drix 
Events and Performances Manager, Africana Studies (formerly Cultural Affairs Manager for the City of Providence Department of Art, Culture + Tourism)

Sarah Santos
Director of Development

George Weiler '26 
Undergraduate Representative

Nicole Wholean
University Curator/Registrar, Brown Arts Institute