About Public Art
About Public Art
Brown University is distinguished by the character of its campus. Its landscape, architecture, and public artworks form an environment that represents the dynamic culture of the University.
Public art provides the following values to the University environment:
- Its aesthetic value visually enhances the campus, providing a gracious, attractive, and stimulating environment;
- It has the potential to define and accentuate space. It contributes to a sense of place, and inspires identification with this institution, its history and its values;
- It is an important part of the public image of the University and enhances the impression it provides to the quality of campus life to visitors, prospective students, alumni, and potential donors;
- It provides intellectual value as material for the study of the history of art and opportunity for the display of appropriate works of art;
- It serves the cause of donor relations by demonstrating to alumni and friends that contributions of works of art to the University represent an integral and cherished place on the campus.
It is, therefore, consistent with the overall mission of the University to attract significant examples of public art to be placed at suitable locations throughout the campus. The University accomplishes this through the Public Art Working Group and the Subcommittee on Public Art with the cooperation of the Campus Planning Committee.
The Public Art Working Group (PAWG) is charged with the identification of appropriate works of art and the identification of its locations on campus. The PAWG recommends the commissioning of works of art, such as sculpture and landmark plaques for specific sites on campus. PAWG membership is drawn from Brown University faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate students.