Brown Arts

BAI Student Grants

The Brown Arts Institute Student Grants Program provides funding for student projects that involve the production, study and/or critique of the creative arts, especially projects that might not be possible without financial assistance.

BAI Student Grants

The BAI Student Grant Application Window opens March 17, 2025, and closes April 4th, 2025, 11:59 PM EDT.

Projects can be from any arts discipline or across disciplines — all media (physical, virtual, performance, video, etc.) are eligible for funding. No arts background is necessary. Questions? Email

Submit Your Proposal


Any undergraduate or graduate student* in good academic standing may apply for BAI student funding, as well as student groups recognized by the Student Activities Office. Students/student groups who have received past funding for a project may not apply for additional funding for the same project. However, that same student/group may apply for funding for a different project.

*Due to visa regulations, at this time we cannot offer grants to any fully-stipended international graduate student. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they are eligible to receive grant funding. If Brown cannot process a grant award based on visa status, BAI will rescind the award. 

Amount and Duration of Award

Grants of up to $1,000 are awarded each semester for projects that take place during the current or next semester. Retroactive awards for projects completed prior to the application deadline will not be granted.

Criteria for Selection

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a Grants Committee. Awards will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Intention for the project’s community reach and/or deepening cross-disciplinary practice 
  • Integration with BAI philosophy and priorities
  • A feasible time frame for completion within the semester
  • Providing a descriptive and reasonable budget* 
  • Supporting materials (optional)**

*In order to assist you with your budget, the BAI has created a Budget Worksheet containing a template with some of the most frequently used budget items, as well as a sample budget for a student film. If an applicant intends to use funding from other sources (including other grants or personal contributions), this should also be included. Budgets should be submitted with the following title format: LastName_FirstName_Budget. If you need additional guidance with creating your budget, please contact We would be happy to help you work through the process.

**Supporting materials may include recommendation letters, images, or anything else that you feel may enhance your application. These should be compiled in one PDF document, no more than 5 pages in total, and submitted with the following title format: LastName_FirstName_Support

Award Conditions

Award funds may be applied to reasonable and necessary costs of the project. These expenses may include: materials, artists fees, production costs, marketing expenses and other fees that directly support the project. BAI Student Grant funds may not be used to support student travel, accommodations, food, or stipends. Any expenses incurred must adhere to Brown’s contract labor, purchasing and travel guidelines.

BAI is not responsible for arranging project space and cannot be listed as the sponsoring department when making a request through the Registrar’s Office. It is the responsibility of the student or SAO Group to secure the appropriate space needed for their project. Students should plan ahead and work with the necessary departments to ensure that a space is obtained.

BAI is not able to act as a financial administrator of the grant. Recipients are responsible for managing all costs associated with their project once grant funds are dispersed.

Please note that as a rule, juries tend not to fund equipment purchases when the equipment is readily available through Brown. Below is a sampling of the resources that are available: 

  • Through its Lending Library, the Department of Visual Art offers equipment checkout to any student enrolled in a VISA course. Some restrictions apply based on the course in which the student is enrolled. 
  • Many software programs are available through Brown University, including the Adobe Suite and other programs that may be useful, to current students.
  • The Sidney E. Frank Digital Studio contains a 3D printer, 3D scanner, large-format plotter printer, and a fully equipped, soundproof audio/video recording studio
  • The Creative Arts and Technology Spaces provide access to a variety of creative technologies, including video production, podcasting, large-format art printing, 3D printing, and virtual reality. 

Procedure for Submitting Proposals & Application Deadlines

Proposals are submitted electronically via UFunds. Any applicant proposing a project which could have implications for their home department (e.g., bringing in a visiting artist) must discuss plans with the department manager before submitting an application. If this is an aspect of your proposal, please allow adequate time for this initial step.

The BAI Student Grant Application Window opens January 27, 2025, and closes February 14, 2025, 11:59 PM EST. 
Applicants will be notified of their application status in late March, and the funding for accepted proposals will be dispersed shortly thereafter. In order to receive award funds, grant recipients must have a valid I-9 on file. If you are an international student, you must also be registered in the Sprintax-Calculus System.

Reporting Requirements

Grant recipients must complete the required final report form before the end of the semester in which funds were awarded (by December 15 for Fall awards, by May 15 for Spring awards, and by October 15 for Summer awards). Grant recipients are asked to describe the work accomplished and reflect on both successful outcomes and challenges. Final reports must include photo, video or other documentation for BAI promotional purposes and inclusion in the BAI archive. Provided images must conform to Brown’s Image Use Policy. In addition, Student Grant recipients may be invited to exhibit their work in the annual Spring Arts Festival Student Exhibition in the Granoff Center Atrium Gallery.