Brown Arts

Florence WallisBIOGRAPHY

Florence Wallis is a British-American writer, musician, researcher and performer. Her work focuses on fungi, ecology, memory and the nature and history of language, through experimental poetics, music composition, production and performance. She engages consistently in co-creation as a productive and resistant modality. 


An immersive, multi-media mycelial opera exploring the story of a Forager’s descent into our ecological crisis. Fungi have existed in our ecosystem for billions of years - they offer a complex and multi-directional understanding of our world that transcends linear progress. Inspired by this scale of time, I reach into my own translations of 5,000 year old Mesopotamian myths and their knowledge of environmental disaster. Fungi provide a means to create from within catastrophe so that we can re-imagine our future, our deep past and what we can do right now.