Brown Arts

Grow @ Annenberg Practice Suite

Four intimate practice spaces each with an upright piano and music stands.

On the rehearsal levels of The Lindemann, students can reserve four intimate rooms short blocks of time to run lines, practice piano/other instruments, or rehearse in small groups. Each room has easily programmable scheduling onsite and is equipped with upright pianos and music stands. In addition to these four rooms there are also multiple music storage and practice spaces ready to be scheduled.

GRoW @ Annenberg Practice Suite

We are pleased to announce the scheduling system for The Lindemann GRoW @ Annenberg Practice Suite, a series of 4 open practice rooms, each with an upright piano.  You may use the calendars below to schedule up to a 2 hour block of time. To sign up, please include your name and preferred email.  Please note that the BAI may need to reclaim space due to programmatic needs.
How to add a shared calendar to your own Brown Calendar view:
1. Go to your personal Brown calendar view
2. On the left side of the page, click on the plus sign next to "Other calendars" and select "Subscribe to a calendar"
3. Use [INSERT SHARED ADDRESS HERE] in the search section and it will automatically add it to your Brown Calendar View.

Instrument lockers in the Lindemann

Students will also be able to store their instruments in lockers in between classes and to acclimatize them overnight before a performance.