Mary Ellen Carroll: Featured Project
For REMAKING fiction/nonfiction Mary Ellen Carroll discusses mortality with artists Kirsten Johnson and Michelle Ellsworth with a focus on Carroll's work MY DEATH IS PENDING. . . BECAUSE.
Explore MY DEATH IS PENDING. . . BECAUSE. on Mary Ellen Carroll's website here, or by reading an interview with David Joselit, in the Fall 2019 issue of OCTOBER found here (please note, a Brown username and login is required to view the article).
In addition, the work is the subject of a short film created by Giorgio Angelini. About the film: The experiential film on No. 9 — the final performance in the series: MY DEATH IS PENDING… BECAUSE. Started in 1986, the body of work is by the internationally acclaimed, conceptual artist Mary Ellen Carroll. It emerges from a Rube Goldberg / stream-of-consciousness methodology. A conceptual process where something simple is extracted from a set of complex ideas that continue until the process comes to a complete stop. (
Click here to learn more about the short film.